Eon gaming
Eon Gaming offer a range of plug and play solutions to get the best video quality from your retro consoles onto your modern HDMI TV.
Find GCHD for GameCube, Super64 for the N64 and now XBHD for the original Xbox in this collection, all no mod easy install HDMI adapters, with additional features such as scanlines and different resolution settings.

GCHD MK-II HD HDMI Out TV adapter for Nintendo GameCube 480p - Black | Eon Gaming

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GCHD MK-II HD HDMI Out TV adapter for Nintendo GameCube 480p - Purple | Eon Gaming

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Super 64 HDMI Out TV adapter plug & play for Nintendo 64 (PAL) 576p - Black | Eon Gaming

Super 64 HDMI Out TV adapter plug & play for Nintendo 64 (NTSC) 480p - Black | Eon Gaming