ZedLabz Official Discount Codes, Active Working Vouchers & Offers
Looking for discount code for ZedLabz? Welcome to the official source of the latest available deals, offers and active discounts.
Avoid the frustration of fake and dead discount codes on voucher sites, and check our official discounts page for all the latest offers, direct from the team at ZedLabz!
Here you will find all the latest offers, discounts, vouchers, and any other ways to save at ZedLabz.com below.
A cheeky discount, special offers, sales and the best price possible, we all work hard for our money and want it to go that bit further. This page is here to take the pain and frustration out of trying to find a working discount code, which are often fake or dead from years ago, avoid the Chinese whispers of voucher code sites and find out about discounts that will actually work, straight from the horse's mouth!
Loyalty sign up bonuses - Click here to join - No code required
HOLLY5 - Get 5% off your order - ends 01/01/2024
HOLLY10 - Get 10% off your order when you purchase 6 or more items, ends 01/01/2024
XMAS10 - Get 10% off your order when you purchase 3 or more items, ends 24/12/2023
5OFFZEDLABZ - Get 5% off your order when you purchase 3 or more items, limited to one use per customer.
FREE SHIPPING offers - Click here to view our shipping offers available worlwide.
REFER A FRIEND for 5% off your order, they also get 5% off, to find out more about this offer please check our loyalty program details below.
Our primary discount offering is via our generous loyalty program ZedLabz Rewards, which allows you to convert points earned from your orders into discount vouchers or other benefits such as free delivery.
Our loyalty scheme is found at bottom left of the website, from here you can click on the popup labelled ZedLabz Rewards to learn more.
Earn points on all purchases simply by signing up to our website. Each time you make a purchase (using the same email address signed up to the loyalty program) the points earned will be automatically added to your online account.
A limited number of products are excluded from earning points including PixelFX HDMI mods & ODE devices.
An account must be created on ZedLabz.com to earn points on a purchase, any purchases made without an account will not be eliable for reward points.
Earn bonus points just for signing up, you will also find additional ways to earn bonus points such as following us us on Instagram and more, check out the popup on the website for more details.
To check your balance and convert your points into vouchers, simply login to the loyalty scheme from the left bottom corner of the website, then navigate to "redeem" and select a reward voucher to convert your points into. You can check out your activity and how many points you have accumilated over time, you can either cash in your points when you reach the amount required for a reward, or save your points to claim a bigger single reward later.
Once you have generated a voucher code simply enter this into the discount code box at the checkout to apply the discount and save! You can use one discount voucher per order.
One other way to be rewarded is to refer a friend through our loyalty program, your friend will get a order discount and you will get a discount too. To do this login to the loyalty program and obtain your unique referral link under the refer a friend section. Once your friend has successfully placed an order you will receive a discount voucher also.
You can find discounted products in the Sale section of our website here, these items have already been discounted to a lower price, no discount codes or vouchers are needed, simply add these sale items to your basket and purchase.